Foxit eSign will allow the users to add placeholders parties in documents. Sometimes while sending the documents, the author was unsure about the exact signers where a middle man needs to decide the signer. A typical example is in real estate, where the owner was not sure about the tenant/buyer of his property. Property dealer/agent has the details of buyer or tenant, and he needs to add buyer or tenant in agreement document once the deal is done.
This feature will benefit all companies and users who use documents. We are making document uploading more user-friendly than ever before.
How it works
- Add placeholder from the recipient parties and assign the fields according to requirement.
2. Add a party assigner user.
3. After sending the document, the Party assigner user will get a mail to assign the party.
4. On click of assign party button, the user will get below pop up to assign the party.
- After assigning the party, the new party will get a mail to sign the document.
6. Click on view document and sign. The document is executed successfully.