When you use Foxit eSign for your electronic signature needs, it’s essential that you have the capability of customizing your options to personalize yours and your company’s experience. Fortunately, Foxit eSign was designed with your needs in mind and features helpful and intuitive settings.
Below, we’ll give an overview of General Settings that you can customize in Foxit eSign; this will help give you an idea of how best you can use our award-winning software to enhance your signature collection process.
- Account/Organization Name: Name of the company or individual. Displayed on outgoing emails from Foxit eSign.
- Address
- Time Zone
- Account Owner: Super Admins can change the Account Owner from a dropdown list. New Account Owner must be another Super Admin.
- Enable Chat in Application: Choose to enable or disable our 24/7 Chat Support on the bottom right corner while you are signed into your account.
Document Template
- Font Size: Change the default font size for field values and field name on documents.
- Date Format: Change the default formatting for the Date Signed Signature Field for documents.
- Default Field Status After Drag and Drop: Choose default status of drag and drop fields between Non-Mandatory or Mandatory.
- Display Indicators in Document Draft Mode: Choose to display assigned party role tags for the fields in Draft Mode.
- Include Document Id on Pages: Display Document ID on top or bottom of page once a document is executed. You may also choose to not display the ID at all.
- Display Page Number on Each Page: If a document is composed of multiple PDF files, you may choose to display the page number on each page.
- Enable Extra Document Information Panel for Recipients during Signing Mode: View other document-related information on the right panel such as attachments, history, comments, and recipients.
- Enable Extra Document Information Panel for Sender during Signing Mode: View other document-related information on the right panel such as attachments, history, comments, and recipients.
- Auto Derive Document Name: The sender of a document can auto-generate a name after the document is executed based on specific values. You could take the value of a text field (like a department, ID, date, or signer names) in a template and check the Include File Name option to have it automatically added to the document name after it is executed.
- Auto Derive Folder Name based on Document Setting: Auto derives a folder’s name based on the document’s settings.
- Allow Recipient(s) to Delegate Signing: The Delegate Signer option allows a recipient to forward a document to a new recipient’s email so that they may fill in the remaining fields of a document.
- Allow Name Update: Allows the recipient to update their name in pre-populated fields such as the Signer Name field
- Default Setting to Enforce Sequence Signing: If Enforce Signing Sequence is enabled by default, recipients will not receive the document for signing until the prior party has completed the required fields for their portion of the document. Disable this setting to allow all recipients to receive a document at the same time.
- Default Fields Navigation: When recipients are tabbing through the document, decide whether or not the tab will take them through all fields or only mandatory fields.
- Default Signature Option: Choose if the default recipient signature will be typed, drawn, or uploaded.
- View Only Default Sign Option: Refers to Default Signature Option. Users will only be able to type, draw, or upload signatures with no other options to choose from.
- Select Fonts for the Typed Signature: Select All or specific fonts for a typed signature for recipients to select from when signing.
- Document Signing Completion: Document Signing Completion controls whether to display the Confirmation text pop-up window automatically after the form fields have been filled out or if the recipient needs to manually click ‘Finish’ to continue to the Confirmation text pop-up window.
- Attach Certificate to Document PDFs: Attach the signature certificate as the last page to each document in the folder or attach the signature certificate to a separate file in the folder.
- Save Signer Signatures and Initials by Default: Choose to enable or disable saving the signatures and initials you have used in previous documents by default.
- Allow Signers to Complete the Document without Signature Fields: Allow signers to execute documents without filling out the signature field if set to Yes
- Default Setting to Enable In-Person Signing: Allow recipients to sign in person.
- Request In-Person Signer to Enter Email Address: May be disabled if an in-person signer does not have access to a web browser or does not have an email address.
- Display Signing Instructions: Display signing instructions to first-time signers, no signers, or all signers.
- Use Custom Instructions: Populate your custom instructions for the first-time signer to sign documents or accept electronic signature confirmation boxes while eSigning the document.
- Display Decline to Sign Button: Allow Decline to Sign button in either the Signer Instructions Screen or Confirmation Text Screen.
- Signature Information to Include: Include Name, Signer ID, and/or Date and Time in the Signature Information.
- Allow Signer to Correct Name: Allow a recipient/signer to correct their name in a document.
- Allow Name Change for Typed Signatures: When choosing to type out their signature, allow users to change the name for the typed signature.
- Provide Location on Certificate: Display location on Signature Certificates.
- Enable Folder Modification: Enable folder modification while a document has been sent out.
- Enable Document Step-by-Step Navigation: A guided document sending process every time a new document is uploaded.
- Send Document Complete Notifications to Account Owner: Receive email notifications to the Account Owner if a document has been completed.
- Send PDF with Completion Notification: Send completed document PDF with completion notification to the email address.
- Send CC/View Only Email Just Upon Document Completion: Choose whether or not to send a CC/View only email after the document has been completed.
- Send Document Folder Cancellation Notification to Recipients: If a document folder has been canceled/voided, send a notification to the email address of all concerned parties.
- Send SMS with the Document Reminders: Send a mobile notification with document reminders.
- Send an SMS Link when a Document is Send with 2 Factor Authentication: Send a mobile link when a document is sent with 2FA.
- Send SMS when a Document is Signed: Send a mobile notification when a document has been signed.
- Send SMS when a Document is Executed: Send a mobile notification when a document has been executed.
- Send SMS when a Document is Cancelled: Send a mobile notification when a document has been canceled.
- Send SMS when a Document is Completed: Send a mobile notification when a document has been completed.
Online Form
- Allow Copy Online Form to: Send a copy of Online Form to Admin User(s) or Regular User(s)
- Show Incomplete Online Form(s) to Initiators: Choose whether or not to allow initiators to view incomplete Online Forms.
- Enable Complex Login Password: Once you Enable Complex Login Password for an account, each account user password MUST have at least one or more of the following:
- Characters in uppercase
- Characters in lowercase
- Numbers
- Special characters
- Restrict Secured Field Access to Authorized Users Only: Secured Fields will be masked and ONLY authorized users may access them. It is recommended to keep this setting set to Yes.
- Allow Personalized Field Creation: Either admin users, regular users, or neither may create Personalized Fields for the account.
- Allow Template Rule access to Admin and Regular User: Add fields automatically from a Template when uploading a Document using a keyword. Please click here for more details on the Template Rule.
- Text and Voice Verification: Choose whether or not to let a recipient sign the document if they do not have a mobile number.
- Default Authentication Level: Set the authentication level of a document for signing to No Authentication, SMS Document Link, Mobile Two-Factor Authentication, or Phone Two-Factor Authentication.
- Document Access Preference: Require login or no login for signers when they access a document.
- Maximum Number of Concurrent Sessions: Specify the maximum sessions allowed by any user in your company or account across different devices or browsers.
- Lock User Accounts After Failed Login Attempts: If set to Yes, the user’s account will be locked after 3 failed login attempts.
- Login Password Expire: Choose if the password for the account will never expire or if it must be updated every 60, 90, 120, or 150 days.
- Access to Delete Documents: By default, only the Author is allowed to delete their own documents. The Delete Document ability can be given to a Super Admin or Managers, allowing them to delete another user’s documents.
Custom Branding
- Personalized Sender Name: Your company’s name will be displayed on outgoing emails.
- Personalized Sender Email: Your company’s email address will be displayed on outgoing emails.
- Display Logo on Signature Certificate: Your company’s logo will be displayed on the bottom of each Signature Certificate after document execution.
- Display Sign Logo on Signature Field: Your company’s logo will be displayed on the Signature Field instead of the default pen icon.
- Display Logo on Embedded session: Your company’s logo will be displayed on the success message page after clients complete an Online Form.
- Send Document Folder Expiration/Warning Notification to Recipients: Send notifications to recipients letting them know their document folder is about to expire.
- Your Company Logo: Upload the specific logo you would like to be displayed on all outgoing emails, Signature Certificates, and throughout the User Interface on the top left of every page. Upload either .png, .jpg, .jpeg file of max 2mb in size.
Reminder and Expiration
- Enable Automatic Reminders: Enable or disable recipients receiving automatic reminders if they have not signed a document within a customized time frame.
- First Day Reminder: Number of days for the first reminder to recipients who have not signed the document.
- Reminder Interval: Number of days for the subsequent reminders after the initial reminder.
- Maximum Number of Reminders: The maximum number of reminders that should be sent to the recipients including initial reminders.
- Enable Automatic Expiration: Enable or disable an automatic expiration date for documents that have not been signed or executed.
- Expiration Day: Number of days after which the document will automatically expire if it has not been signed by all the recipients.
- Warning Day before Expiration: Number of days before expiration when a final reminder will be sent to the recipients who have not signed the document.
Remote Server Integration
- Server Address: Public IP address
- Username: Foxit eSign account username
- Password: Foxit eSign account password
- Port: By default, SSH port number is 22
- Remote Directory Path: like : /home/
- Sub Director: When sending files to your server, Foxit eSign program will add the username (esigngenie_user_UUID) to the directory name if the Author Name (ID) option is selected.
- Security and Permission
- Client-server must accept SSH requests from our IP only.
- Do not use the default SSH port (22).
- Operating System user should have limited user access to write the files on destination location
- Use a strong password for Operating System users (Recommended: Alphanumeric with at least 10 characters).
Personalize Application Colors
Every detail of our application can be customized to fit your individual taste or match your company’s logo and colors.
- Header, Sidebar, and Page Title Settings: Customize your overall theme color. Background color, Menu letters, and highlighted color as well as Sidebar colors may be personalized here.
- Primary Button Settings: Background color, text color, border color, and hover color may be customized for primary buttons such as Create New Document or Create New Template buttons.
- Secondary Button Settings: Background color, text color, border color, and hover color may be customized for secondary buttons such as Advanced Search button or Download Report in the Documents tab.
- Focus or Warning Button Settings: Background color, text color, border color, and hover color may be customized for Focus or Warning buttons such as the Remind button or Next Required Field button.
- Success Button Settings: Background color, text color, border color, and hover color may be customized for Success buttons such as the Send button.
- Reset Application Colors: If you make a mistake and want to start over you can reset back to the default colors by clicking the Reset button.
Account Users
This section will display all the users on an account. The Name, Email Address, User Type, Status, Department, Last Login, and Mobile Number of Users will be displayed on this page.
- Personalized Fields: Can only create personalized fields if they are allowed to create
- Secured Field Access: Depends on the settings and if a Super Admin has given access to their user(s).
- See other account users’ Documents: If assigned a manager, Admins can see other users’ documents. Cannot see other Admin users’ documents if they are not assigned to the same department and have Share Documents with Department Administrators selected
- See other account users’ Templates: If assigned a manager, Admins can see other users’ templates. Regular users/other Admins do not have access to other users templates unless templates are shared with All users of the account or accessible through a shared library.
- See other account users’ Online Forms: If assigned manager, Admins can see other users Online Forms, but cannot change the author.
- Settings: Admins have some settings but not Account Users, cannot change Account Owner, API, Webhook Status, Webhook Channel, (Personalized Fields)
- Template Rules: Each user has their own Template Rules (if they are allowed to create them)
The far-right column of the Account Users page will include the actions you can take towards a user. There are 3 actions.
Edit: There are multiple edits you can make to a user:
- Email Address
- First and Last name
- Manager (if regular or admin user)
- Role (Cannot be changed if user is Super Administrator or account owner)
- Mobile Number (Optional)
- Department (Optional)
- Title (Optional)
- Status: May be set to Active or Inactive
- Share Documents with Department Administrators: Allow specific users to share documents with Department Administrators.
- Allow Secured Field Access: Allow a specific user to have access to secured fields or not.
- Delete: Delete a user from Account Users and transfer any assets to another user with the same user level.
- Send new password link: This action will send a link to the user’s email address to set a new password.
Address Book
Contacts may be added for fast and easy fill when sending out documents. By default, new users added from the Review and Send page of a document will be added to the address book. Contacts may be edited or deleted through the far right column labeled Actions.
- Email Groups are used to create groups of contacts from your Address Book. Email Groups are used when bulk sending documents.
- Email Templates are the invitation emails your recipients will receive. You can customize your own email template and select the template you want to use before sending your document. Both invitation email templates and notification email templates can be customized.
- Admins and Super Admins can access the Email Templates from the left side panel under the Settings Tab.
Default Notification Email Templates:
- New Comment on Document
- Contract Renewal Notice
- Folder Cancelled
- Folder Executed
- New Signature on Folder
- Invitation Accept
- New Document Version
- Signatures Removed from Folder
Interested in learning more about Foxit eSign Settings options? Check out this section in the Settings section of our Help Center here.